Unified Pension Scheme UPSC
Table of Contents
Unified Pension Scheme UPSC
Important Dates
केंद्र सरकार ने 24 अगस्त 2024 को एकीकृत पेंशन योजना (Unified Pension Scheme) की शुरुआत की। UPS योजना 1 अप्रैल 2025 से लागू होगी और इससे 23 लाख केंद्र सरकार के कर्मचारियों को लाभ होने की उम्मीद है।
Details of Eligibility in Hindi
- केंद्र सरकार ने कहा था कि जिन व्यक्तियों ने दस साल या उससे अधिक समय तक काम किया है, उन्हें कार्यक्रम की घोषणा के अलावा (Unified Pension Scheme) कार्यक्रम के तहत न्यूनतम 10,000 रुपये की पेंशन मिलेगी। पूरी पेंशन पाने के लिए कम से कम 25 साल की सेवा की आवश्यकता होगी।
- सरकारी कर्मचारियों को एक निर्धारित पेंशन देने के लिए केंद्र सरकार ने पिछले महीने यूनिफाइड पेंशन स्कीम (Unified Pension Scheme) शुरू की थी। राष्ट्रीय पेंशन प्रणाली (NPS) के विकल्प के रूप में यह प्रणाली शुरू की गई है। केंद्र सरकार के बयान के मुताबिक, सरकारी कर्मचारी NPS और UPS के बीच चयन कर सकेंगे। UPS के कर्मचारियों को अपने वेतन का 10% योगदान देना होता है, जिसमें सरकार का योगदान 18.5 प्रतिशत होता है।
- 10 से 25 वर्ष की सेवा वाले श्रमिकों के लिए पेंशन राशि उनकी सेवा अवधि के अनुपात में निर्धारित की जाएगी। साथ ही इससे महंगाई से भी राहत मिल सकती है.
एकीकृत पेंशन योजना की विशेषताओं में शामिल हैं: 1. पेंशन राशि: पिछले 12 महीनों के दौरान प्राप्त औसत मूल वेतन का 50%।
Details of Eligibility in English
- The central government had said that individuals who have worked for ten years or more will get a minimum pension of Rs 10,000 under the Unified Pension Scheme, which is yet to be announced. A minimum of 25 years of service will be required to get full pension.
- The Central Government had launched the Unified Pension Scheme last month to provide a fixed pension to government employees. This system has been launched as an alternative to the National Pension System (NPS). According to the statement of the Central Government, government employees will be able to choose between NPS and UPS. UPS employees have to contribute 10% of their salary, of which the government contributes 18.5 percent.
- For workers with 10 to 25 years of service, the pension amount will be determined in proportion to their service period. Besides, this can also provide relief from inflation.
Features of the Integrated Pension Scheme include: 1. Pension amount: 50% of the average basic pay drawn during the last 12 months.
What is the objective of the UPS?
- केंद्र सरकार द्वारा सरकारी कर्मचारियों के लिए एकीकृत पेंशन योजना (UPS) शुरू की गई थी। यह सरकारी कर्मचारियों को सेवानिवृत्त होने के बाद स्थिरता, सम्मान और वित्तीय सुरक्षा प्रदान करके उनकी भलाई और सुरक्षित भविष्य की गारंटी देने का प्रयास करता है।
- The Unified Pension Scheme (UPS) for government employees was introduced by the Central Government. It attempts to guarantee government workers’ well-being and a safe future by offering them stability, dignity, and financial security once they retire.
UPS Benefit in Hindi
- केंद्र सरकार ने कहा था कि जिन व्यक्तियों ने दस साल या उससे अधिक समय तक काम किया है, उन्हें कार्यक्रम की घोषणा के अलावा UPS कार्यक्रम के तहत न्यूनतम 10,000 रुपये की पेंशन मिलेगी। पूरी पेंशन पाने के लिए कम से कम 25 साल की सेवा की आवश्यकता होगी।
UPS Benefit in English
- The Central Government had stated that individuals who have worked for ten years or more will receive a minimum pension of Rs 10,000 as part of the UPS program, in addition to the announcement of the program. A minimum of 25 years of service will be required in order to get the full pension
Apply Link
Unified Pension Scheme Link available
Apply Online
Official Website
Q.1who is start unified pension scheme ?
To offer government employees a set pension, the central government introduced the Unified Pension Scheme (UPS) last month. As an alternative to the National Pension System (NPS), this system has been introduced. According to statements made by the central government, government workers will be able to select between NPS and UPS. Employees at UPS are required to contribute 10% of their pay, with the government matching 18.5 percent.
Q.2. When was the Unified Pension Scheme started?
- The central government launched the Unified Pension Scheme (UPS) on 24 August 2024. The UPS scheme will come into effect from April 1, 2025, and is expected to benefit 23 lakh central government employees.
Q.3 Who is eligible for unified pension scheme?
- The central government had said that individuals who have worked for ten years or more will get a minimum pension of Rs 10,000 under the Unified Pension Scheme, which is yet to be announced. A minimum of 25 years of service will be required to get full pension.
- The Central Government had launched the Unified Pension Scheme last month to provide a fixed pension to government employees. This system has been launched as an alternative to the National Pension System (NPS). According to the statement of the Central Government, government employees will be able to choose between NPS and UPS. UPS employees have to contribute 10% of their salary, of which the government contributes 18.5 percent.
Q.3 Which is better, NPS or UPS?
Q.4. What is the minimum pension in UPS?
Q.5. What is UPS full form?
Unified Pension Scheme
Q.6 What is a Unified Pension Scheme UPSC
To offer government employees a set pension, the central government introduced the Unified Pension Scheme (UPS) last month. As an alternative to the National Pension System (NPS), this system has been introduced. According to statements made by the central government, government workers will be able to select between NPS and UPS. Employees at UPS are required to contribute 10% of their pay, with the government matching 18.5 percent.